Resources for Building an ECAR Chapter

ECAR Template Memorandum of Understanding between a university and resettlement agency

Outlines a possible agreement between a resettlement agency and university around responsibilities and service provision.

AHLAN: A Manual For Establishing Resettlement Campuses Together

Is the premier implementation guide for how to make a college or university campus welcoming to refugees and play an integral role in local refugee resettlement ecosystems.

ECAR Best Practices Manual

Is an A to Z of how to prepare for, host, transition, and then continue to support a refugee family on campus grounds and support them in their resettlement and integration.

ECAR Implementation Checklist

Is an outline of the life-cycle and the key milestones in implementing ECAR programming on a college or university campus.


Is a geomap that allows resettlement agencies and universities to find each other within a 100 mile radius of each other.

ECAR Program Coordinator Handbook

Is an A to Z of how to coordinate an ECAR program on a college or university campus.

Funding for Universities

Of up to $10,000 to become an ECAR Chapter.

ECAR in the Curriculum

Provides tools to integrate refugee resettlement topics into your college or university's courses.

ECAR Resource Folder

Is full of useful resources.

Sample of Successful Proposals

Submitted by campus members to their administration to become an ECAR Chapter.

Tip Sheet or Refugees

Advice from refugees hosted by ECAR Chapters to newly arriving refugees.

Tip Sheet for Campuses

Advice from refugees to colleges and universities hosting refugees on campus.
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