On March 3rd, Every Campus a Refuge welcomed our first Spanish-speaking guests. Our new family is a couple with three children. Many Spanish-speaking members of the community reached out to help and wanted to train to become ECAR volunteers.
The family was greeted warmly at the Greensboro airport by a large group of volunteers, who had “Saludos!” signs and balloons.
“We had a lot of support for our new guests from volunteers. They were excited to view the campus and get to now people we passed. One of the adults in the family (the dad) wanted to tell his story at one of our events, but that was cancelled due to the virus. The oldest girl is into reading (and would love some Superwoman comics if anyone wants to get her some!) and the middle son is into art, specifically illustration. The youngest turned six shortly after arrival, and we held a small birthday party for him filled with soccer, snacks, and balloons,” said Program Coordinator Kathleen Herbst.
Volunteer Ree Ree Wei helped with setting up the house before their arrival; she was also part of the group that welcomed them at the airport.
“I think the family was pretty tired because they told us that they haven’t eaten in days, except for the food that they got from the airplane. At the same time, they were very happy and thankful to be here in Greensboro. They thanked us a lot of times during the time when they arrived at the airport up until we left the house that night. When I told them, ‘welcome to your home,’ the father asked, ‘this is my home?’ with a surprised and happy face. Since they arrived, I have been at the house a lot to show them around, and they would text me to ask for items or with any questions they may have. I took them to the bus depot to get bus passes with another volunteer. It was like a field trip for them because they got to see tall buildings downtown and they took pictures of the buses. I am still in contact with them to check in on them,” said Wei.
During this time, the family is doing well. ECAR is still checking in and supporting them in any way we can. If you would like to help, a Walmart gift card for groceries would be much appreciated.
If you want to mail or drop off anything for the new family, please email us at everycampusarefuge@guilford.edu. (Some non-urgent needs: they could use a bike pump; Superwoman comics and art supplies for the 11-year-old girl; toys for the six-year-old boy; a laptop for the mom).