Angela Morrow presenting at the conference


From August 26th to the 28th, 2019, Guilford College student Angela Morrow — who is an ECAR minor — represented Every Campus a Refuge at the 68th United Nations Civil City Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah. The conference centered around “building inclusive and sustainable cities and communities.” Morrow presented on the practices of ECAR and highlighted ways other colleges and universities could implement their own chapter. 

“I feel like it is a wonderful way to get the word out to many other colleges or universities that might not have heard about ECAR and to show them that they too can make a difference.  There were other organizations that were also interested in learning more about ECAR and how they can become involved. It is a wonderful way to find new partners to collaborate and network with to allow ECAR to grow and become stronger,” Morrow said. 

The conference focused on Sustainable Development Goal 11, which was to “make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable by 2030.” (source) Morrow noted that while explaining the ways in which ECAR is sustainable, she was able to see sustainability in a new light.

“I had not really thought in depth about the sustainable aspects of ECAR as well as how we reuse and share resources to make the ECAR program a success until going to present for this conference,” she said.

Universities produce far more than what their students, staff, and faculty need in terms of food, shelter, and other resources. Resources that may have otherwise been wasted or remained unused are given to refugees who are settling into their new lives. Federal work-study is another collegiate resource that can allow volunteers to be paid for their work with ECAR.

Morrow presented on ECAR as a part of De Montfort University’s (DMU) panel. Guilford College and De Montfort are partners in the United Nations Together Campaign. Guilford’s ECAR program was recommended by the United Nation’s Department of Public Information and was invited by DMU to the United Nations Together Campaign Summit. 

The international event typically attracts over 3,000 participants who represent over 700 organizations from over 100 different countries. Representatives from organizations come together to workshop and share the best practices for sustainability and inclusivity.

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